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Poop Clicker 2

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PLAY NOW Poop Clicker 2
Poop Clicker 2

Rating: 8.9

Votes: 9

Plays: 8.9k

About Poop Clicker 2

Poop clicker 2 is part 2 of this interesting clicker - series developed by Hardy. This game has unique graphics, suitable for all ages, especially children and families. You can experience this game on your browser because it is a flash game.

The game screen will display a huge poop and upgraded features for you. In this game, your task is to click on the huge poop repeatedly. Each time you click, you will have poops. Try to get as many poops as you can.

You can use poops to upgrade. There are plenty of upgrades such as hand, baby, toilet, cow, farm or even city and earth. Each feature has its own effects such as hand will help you x2 poop per click, baby will automatically produce poop ... Try to upgrade as soon as you can.

If you like this game, you can also play other games with the same game play such as BITCOIN SIMULATOR, Pixel Gold Clicker… or you can play other part of this game, namely Poop Clicker.

How to Play:

  • Use mouse to control in this game.

Tips and Tricks:

  1. You can turn the sound on/off on the game screen.
  2. You can play this game in full screen mode.
  3. Try to collect as many poops as you can.
  4. This game has 18 achievements for you.