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Defeat Your Friend

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Defeat Your Friend

Rating: 7.8

Votes: 9

Plays: 6.8k

About Defeat Your Friend:

Defeat your friend is an interesting two-player game. This game has unique graphics, suitable for all ages, especially children and families. You can experience this game on your browser because it is a flash game.

This is a two-player game. So you can invite your friends and play together on the same PC. In this game, you will have many mini-games to play with your friends, such as Dots and Boxes, Pong, Memory, Tic Tac Toe.

Before starting the game, let's select a mini-game that fits your abilities. A total of 6 mini-games with different gameplay. Your task is to win all the matches in Defeat Your Friend.

The interesting point in this game is that before starting any mini-game, the game will have a challenge for losers. For example: the loser eats a garlic, winner slaps the loser's face 3 times ... If you do not like the challenge of the game, you can "Switch" to find another fun challenge.

If you like this game, you can also play others games with the same game play such as Thumb Fighter, Money Movers…

How to Play:

  • Use mouse and keyboard to control in this game.

Tips and Tricks:

  1. You can play this game in full screen mode.
  2. You can pause/resume/restart and turn the sound on/off on the game screen.