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About Sudoku:

Sudoku is an intellectual game not only loved by children but also by a large number of adults. This game requires of players sharp logic skills to complete attractive and challenging sets.
There is a large square divided into 9 small squares, and those 9 small squares are divided into 81 smaller cells, each cell contains a number from 1 to 9. You are given several cells numbered randomly, and your goal is to fill in blank cells so that the number cannot be similar on the same row, column and 3*3 box. The higher level is, the less numbers are given; then, you have to base on your logical thinking.
There is no doubt that playing Sudoku can improve your concentration, logic skills and problem solving. Of course, it definitely entertains you, helps you relax and get rid of stress.

How to play:

  • Use the mouse or click and type numbers from the keyboard.

Tips and tricks:

  1. Be patient. It takes you a little time at the beginning.
  2. Pay attention and you can easily find out its rule.

Sudoku Unblocked:

  1. Sudoku Unblocked is available at, you can have access to this site and try it for free.
  2. is a website which comprises a wide range of online games with high quality. Also, its interface and graphics are pretty eye-catching. This will bring you pleasure and amusement when playing. Experience it now!