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PLAY NOW Flower Saga
Flower Saga

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About Flower Saga:

Flower saga is an interesting and simple puzzle game. This game is designed with sparkling graphics, vivid color, lovely sound, and it is quite simple to play. The flowers will move randomly on the screen, and your job is to help the flower fairy by using the sun rays to impact the flowers.
When the sun's rays touch the flower, it will shoot out the petals and make other flowers bloom. You need to align the angle of the flower so that when the petals shoot out, it will hit as many flowers as possible. Once all the flowers were blossom, you will win the game.
The game consists of 75 levels, each level is designed with increasing difficulty, and the player will have to complete the levels to unlock the higher level. If you align the petals in the wrong direction and use up the sun's rays when the flowers are not blooming, you will lose and have to replay the level. On the other hand, if you make the flowers bloom with less sunshine, you will get a higher score and soon pass that level.

How to play:

  • You will get the sun rays from flower fairy, then you use them to make the flowers bloom by clicking on the appropriate flowers so that the bulb can shoot the petals and hit other flowers to bloom. How simple!

Tips and tricks:

  1. You need to shoot at the flower that has the angle pointing at the other flowers, so that when the petals shoot out, it will hit as many flowers as possible.
  2. To have a flowing movement, you should play the demo for one or twice times before entering the main level; it will help you have a better shot.

Flower Saga Unblocked:

  1. If you want to try Flower Saga Unblocked, let's visit, the website with hundreds of games in a variety of types. Flower Saga Unblocked is free at and so do the other games. Visit this site now!