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PLAY NOW Super Babysitter
Super Babysitter

Rating: 4.0

Votes: 5

Plays: 2.8k

About Super Babysitter

Hey, girls! Be quick to set your feet on the main screen of Super babysitter and give Janes a helping hand now! She’s burning to wait for your support.

How to play

Janes is a good babysitter but she is struggling with lots of kids at this time. And you’re here to assist her. So, let’s find out what you should do.

At the beginning, Janes will show you some basic things through a Tutorial level. You will receive a baby from his mom. Then you need to put him on a carpet and look for toys that he wants to play. And when the mom comes back, just give the kid to her. In addition, the Tutorial helps you learn how to use the left mouse to interact with the game.

And now, let’s start the main task of a babysitter. In the level 1, you are responsible for taking care of two kids at the same time. Aside from giving the correct toys to the babies, you need to change diapers or put them to bed if they want to sleep. And always make sure that the baby’s heart is still sparkling or troubles will happen.

As the game develops, more and more kids will appear along with lots of other tasks. For instance, if a baby is hungry, he cries for milk. Or when someone gets dirty, you need to prepare a bathtub and bathe her right away. Or put the kids into a play-pen so that he can play. Or turn on the TV if the baby wants to watch a cartoon.

Another interesting thing that this game also gives something to help you complete the level better. In case you feel a bit tired and see a bottle of water, take and drink it to move quicker for a short time. To the kids, if you give them a teat, they will be happy for a short time. Or one of the babies is sad, be quick to take them in your arms for a while.

Although this game has only 7 levels, each requires your agile action. That means you have to be swift-handed and quick-eyed to satisfy all the babies’ demands. And please pay attention to the last thing; that is, never come back to the main screen until you complete all or your effort will be gone.

Now, what will you do? Hit the PLAY button and enjoy Super Babysitter, of course. Wish you get more fun!

Tips and tricks

  • The milk needs time to get warm before feeding the baby.
  • Each level has an assigned time, so try your best to keep all the kids always happy.