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Rating: 8.3

Votes: 6

Plays: 3.9k


If you are a fan of simple but full of battlefield atmosphere games then – a game is definitely here for you! Before the game starts, you are allowed to choose your hero. There are 11 heroes with different characters for you to choose. Some are free, some require you to finish some tasks to receive.

When the game starts your hero will appear with his sword. You can use your mouse to control your hero by moving it around and clicking to wave the sword at your enemies. Run away from the bubbles or destroy them because they will slow your hero down. You can collect dots to lengthen your sword since longer sword helps your hero fight against enemies in longer distance.

There are also many power-up packs in the gameplay so that you can experience some special abilities. If you want to move away from an area quickly to avoid an enemy or to chase something, press the key “D” on your keyboard. There are some Big Bosses in the gameplay that continuously move around the screen. You can chase and kill them because when once they are defeated, they will turn into dots and power-up packs for you to pick. The more enemies you kill, the higher score you gain. Sharpen your sword carefully, my hero! It’s gonna be a thrilling battle here in!

How to play:

  • Move your mouse to move your hero.
  • Click to wave the sword.
  • Press D to speed up.

Tips and tricks:

  1. Collect dots to lengthen your sword. The longer your sword is, then larger area you can attack.
  2. Collect power packs to experience better abilities: The magnets to attract dots and the shoes to move faster. Killing the Big Boss also brings you these power packs.
  3. Use the key “D” to move away quickly when you feel dangerous or when you want to chase your enemies.
  4. Avoid interacting the bubbles, it will slow down your hero.

Dream Car Racing Unblocked:

  1. Good news for our heroes, we have the Unblocked game for you to enjoy at where you can be into an endless list of games in your spare time! Stand up and fight, Heroes! You enemies are waiting for you in Unblocked!