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Cinderella Twins Birth

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Cinderella Twins Birth

Rating: 7.1

Votes: 14

Plays: 10.8k

About Cinderella Twins Birth:

Cinderella twins birth is a simulation game developed by SISIGAMES. The game has cute graphics and simple gameplay, suitable for all ages. Because it is a flash game, you can play the game in your browser.

In the game, you will experience the birth process of Cinderella, and that is twin’s birth.

First, you will have to help Cinderella put the necessary items in her purse to prepare to go to the hospital. While waiting for the ambulance to arrive, you will help her feel comfortable by fulfilling the requirements of the game.

Then, when the babies are born, you have to take care of them like cleaning their bodies, giving them milk, changing diapers ... and you also have to take care of Cinderella.

Finally, you will help everyone return home safely and complete the game.

If you like this game, you can also play others games with the same game play such as First Day Of School, Baby Room Designer…

How To Play:

  • Controls in this game are very simple. You can use the mouse to perform all actions in the game.

Tips and Tricks:

  1. You can play this game in full screen mode.
  2. Note the time bar of the "tasks" required by the game.