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Idle Ball Fall

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PLAY NOW Idle Ball Fall
Idle Ball Fall

Rating: 5.0

Votes: 2

Plays: 1.6k

About Idle Ball Fall:

Idle ball fall is an amazing addictive hyper-casual arcade game that anyone can play. When participating in this game, your main task is to control the balls moving in the right direction and falling to the bottom of the screen. You will handle many different types of balls such as football, tennis, golf, pool, volleyball, rugby to overcome obstacles to fall in the right position.

There will be two bars at the bottom of the screen. You will have to move two barriers so that the balls can fall down and score more points for you. This game is divided into many different levels. Each level will have its own type of ball and you will have to control the obstacles and balls skillfully to get the highest score. The higher the level, the harder the difficulty will be. So, you will have to play quickly and accurately.

The graphics of the game are designed extremely vivid and eye-catching with funny and attractive sounds. Play and experience!

How to play:

  • Use the mouse to click and move the bars and the ball. Click on the obstacles to pump the balls.

Tips and Tricks:

  1. Observe the position and direction of each ball to adjust the barriers so that they fall into the box with the highest score.
  2. Practice and get used to moving the mouse to quickly master all levels of this game.

Idle Ball Fall Unblocked:

  1. Idle Ball Fall Unblocked is currently available at many websites about online games. You can visit to experience this game for free. Not only that, but we also offer thousands of different games of all genres that you can play. Visit to have wonderful relaxing moments!