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Feudalism 3 is the third part of this interesting action game developed by Vitaly Zaborov and his team. If you are looking for a role-playing game with simple graphics and interesting gameplay, this is the game that suits you. In this game, you control a hero. Your mission is to lead your army and destroy all enemies on the battlefield. Feudalism 3 brings you many stages; each stage is a fierce battle.
Before starting the game, you will select your class. Feudalism 3 gives you 5 classes: warriors of Arcane Empire are mostly experienced mages on the continent. Assassins of the Snake Clan are very fast and their deadly weapons are poisonous. Monks and Samurais of Sun Kingdom have spiritual power and they can kill their opponents in one hit. Knights of the Inquisition use swords and rifles. In addition, they have protection skills and holy magic. Dwellers of the ice peaks, soldiers of the Frost Legion rely on brute power, frost magic and big mighty guns.
On the battlefield, you will click on a target to attack. When you level up, you will have distributed points and new skills. Attributes represent strengths and weaknesses of your Hero; they directly affect your hero’s combat efficiency. There are four of them: Strength, Agility, Vitality and Intelligence. You also can lead your army to support you until the death in the battle. Yes, you are an officer and you can pause the battle to command your army.
In the town, you can talk to NPCs and do many things; such as upgrade your equipment, buy and sell items, hire army or take a quest… Let me tell you something: Talk to the man wearing a black vest and you'll be surprised. In addition, the challenges for you in Feudalism 3 will come from different lands, such as Longsea, Greysands, Redcastle, Fishport, Bloodstone ... Maybe I have talked too much and I will let you explore this game by yourself. Good luck and have fun!