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PLAY NOW Flappy Dunk
Flappy Dunk

Rating: 8.4

Votes: 128

Plays: 40.7k

About Flappy Dunk:

Flappy dunk is a clicker – game developed by Red Eye Prodution. The game has simple graphics, bright colors and is suitable for all ages. You can experience this game on your browser because it is a flash web game.

In the game, you will control a basketball with wings. Each time you click the mouse, the basketball will fly up and it will fall down again. You need to click "continuously" to help the basketball not fall to the ground.

The interesting part of this game is the rings in the map. You need to help basketball fall into these rings. If you cannot put the basketball into the ring, you will lose.

Each time a basketball enters the ring without touching the ring, you get x2 points, and if you keep this constant, your score will multiply. In contrast, when basketball hits the ring, you only get 1 point.

There are also other similar games that you can play like Flappy Bird, Clumsy Bird...

How To Play:

  • Use your mouse to control the basketball.

Tips and Tricks:

  1. Try to get the best score in this game.
  2. Try to do a lot of "swish".