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PLAY NOW GardenScapes

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About GardenScapes:

Gardenscapes is an interesting puzzle game. In this game you are the owner of a grocery store. Your task is to find the objects that your customers want. You will have many customers, each customer is a challenge for you.

On the left of the game screen are your customers. In each customer’s portrait, you will see the object they would like you to find, and the amount of money you will receive if you are successful. Each time you complete a customer's request, you will have money.

Each level has a limited time and you must complete the task as quickly as possible. And if you are stuck, just click the Hint button. If you like this game, you can also play other games with the same game play such as Golden Trails - The New Western Rush, The Lost Child… Good luck and have fun!

How to Play:

  • Use your mouse to interact in this great game.

Tips and Tricks:

  1. Try to complete your task within the limited time.
  2. Use Hint feature when you don’t know how to complete the task.