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Battle Simulator: Counter Stickman

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PLAY NOW Battle Simulator: Counter Stickman
Battle Simulator: Counter Stickman

Rating: 8.2

Votes: 100

Plays: 162

About Battle Simulator: Counter Stickman

The stickmen terror forces must be stopped with a tactical strike! You are the battle commander of the counter terrorist stickman (CTS) forces. â–¶TABS simulator - style gameplay â–¶3D stickmen, levels and gun models â–¶Help win the stickman war.. on terror! â–¶Accurate stickman tactics Sounds: Music_cornandbeans_generic_techno The stickmen terror forces must be stopped with a tactical strike! You are the battle commander of the counter terrorist stickman (CTS) forces. â–¶TABS simulator - style gameplay â–¶3D stickmen, levels and gun models â–¶Help win the stickman war.. on terror! â–¶Accurate stickman tactics Sounds: Music_cornandbeans_generic_techno